Pokomag bootlegged black

Hi i livd in noth korea wit kin jon un r savor. So in noth korea everythong is bootlegged so I found a pokomag spoopy black so play it cause i luv pokomag scince dah 90's. So i got my game child and took out terifying 9/11 and put in pokomag spoopy black. It stated up the title came up it said pokomag spoopy black but dat wasnt a game lol so i play then i got a pokomist named gost cause ghosts were bootlegged. It used case instead of curese and killifyed people and pokemon and hyper realistic blud came out of my game child i was so terifyed like lol it anit funny then a small cilhd with no eyes apeared and killed a dag i yelled stop but then she said lol know and then killed pilkajew so i use gost and blew her up lol. Then a skeletan pooped out. teh end